Niagara Trail Monitor Job Description

November 22, 2019 No comments exist

Niagara Trail Monitor Job Description

Niagara Bruce Trail Club

Job Description: Trail Monitor

The volunteer Trail Monitor is an extra pair of eyes on the trail. The role is necessary to help discover and report problems along the trail such as overgrowth, erosion, wet areas, damaged blazes, vandalism, graffiti, garbage, fallen trees and broken structures such as steps, bridges, boardwalks and stiles.

1. A Trail Monitor is assigned to a specific portion of the trail reporting to the Trail Captain or the Trail Development and Maintenance Director. (TD&M)

2 Regular communication by phone or E Mail is an important part of the job. Urgent problems should be reported immediately with location and photos of the problem where possible.

3 As a Monitor you are expected to walk your section once per month. Keep track of time spent on volunteer duties and report these hours twice a year. To TD&M Director April 30 and Oct 31

4 When inspecting your section light pruning and garbage pick up would be helpful. Any other maintenance issues should be reported to the Trail Captain or the TD&M Director.

5 Enjoy your role as a volunteer Trail Monitor. You play an important role for safe hiking on the Bruce Trail in Niagara.

November 11, 2018

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