Badges You Can Earn

Event Hike Badges (club organized events)
Other Badges (independent hikes) & HOW TO ORDER BADGES
Youth Hike Badges
NBTC merchandise


Badges are awarded for completing club organized Special Event hikes and only these hikes.  You cannot use these hikes to apply for other badges.

Participants pay a fee to join these hikes. The fee covers the cost of the badge, bus and snacks.

You will find the registration link in the description section for each event (click on Special Event above).

We also appreciate your direct donations to support “Preserving a ribbon of wilderness for everyone, forever”


The Fort to Fort Badge is awarded upon completion of the Niagara Recreational Parkway Trail (Fort George to Fort Erie) over a designated weekend, (traditionally in April)


F2F badge


Niagara E2E


The Niagara End-to-End Badge is awarded on completion of the Niagara section of the Bruce Trail over a designated Weekend (traditionally, May's Victoria Day Weekend).


The Laura Secord Badge is awarded on the completion of Laura Secord's historic walk from Laura Secord House in Queenston to Decew House in St Catharines, along the Bruce Trail on the annual June day designated by the club.


Niagara Laura Secord

The Merritthon Badge is awarded on completion of the 45 km Merritt Trail, from Port Colborne to Port Dalhousie. It must be completed in one day.

Merritthon Map

Merritthon Route Description


Badges below may be earned by independently completing these selected  hikes.

NOTE: Hiking logs may not be used to earn more than one badge at a time.  For example if you are hiking the Niagara End-to-End, you may not use the first 30km of your E2E to earn the Laura Secord badge.  You must hike that 30km again to apply for the second badge.

Badge Costs: 

All badges are $10 for members, $15 for non-members (regardless of age).  (shipping and postage included)

Families requesting Youth Badges as outlined in the YOUTH Badge section (below) are $6, regardless of membership.  (shipping and postage included)

Please include the following: hiking log, BTC membership number and badge requested.


Badges are processed weekly once payment is received.  You may pay by e transfer (faster) or by mail. 


Send your hiking log and name of the badge to and payment to 

Please do not require a password for the transfer if your financial institution requests one.  Our financial institution will only accept auto deposit.  Please DO put "XX" badge in the message option of your e-transfer. Remember to include your full mailing address.


Niagara Bruce Trail Club
PO Box 23021
St Catharines RPO Carlton, ON
L2R 7P6

Please make all cheques made payable to "Niagara Bruce Trail Club"






Welland Canals Badge

Here's your chance to learn all about the Welland Canal! To earn the Welland Canals Badge, hikers must complete a series of 4 hikes and take the required photos.  Each hike is on a separate document and has a Plotaroute map on it.  Some of the hikes are on the Bruce trail, some are not.  These hikes may be completed independently or with an organized group. 

Hike Info

Required pictures for Welland Canals Hikes

Some Interesting Welland Canals Background Information

Niagara E2E badge can be earned at your own pace - over several days, months or years.  Just keep a log showing location, distance and date.  It can be earned independently or through scheduled club hikes.








Niagara e2e in 2 days

The 2 Day End-to-End Badge is awarded to walkers who independently complete the Niagara section (Queenston - Grimsby) of the Bruce Trail over 2 consecutive days.


The Laura Secord Badge is awarded on the completion of Laura Secord's historic walk from Laura Secord House in Queenston to Decew House in St Catharines, along the Bruce Trail.  This badge may be earned on a club scheduled (other than the annual EVENT hike in June) hike or as an independent hike done in as many days as you wish to hike.


Hike Notes

Laura Secord Independent



The Merritt Trail Badge is awarded to walkers who independently complete the Merritt Trail from Port Dalhousie to Port Colborne.


Merritt Trail Map

Merritthon Route Description

The Parkway Badge is awarded to walkers who independently complete the Parkway Trail from Niagara-on-the-Lake to Fort Erie.


Niagara Parkway


GNCR Badge


The Greater Niagara Circle Route badge is awarded to walkers who independently complete the Circle Route Trail i.e. Lock 1 Port Weller, along the Welland Canal to Port Colborne , following the Friendship Trail to Fort Erie, following the Niagara Recreational Parkway Trail to Niagara-on-the-Lake and following the Waterfront Trail to Port Weller. Hikers can start/finish at any point on the circle.



 The Winter Badge is earned by hiking during the winter season (December 21, 2024 - March 20, 2025)

The rules: 
a)     Log at least 15 hikes 
b)     Hikes must be a minimum of 1 & 1/2 hrs 
c)     Hikes may be completed during a club hike or on your own but they must be conducted in the Niagara Peninsula to qualify.

Since this is a badge that is earned over a time period, it is the only badge where double dipping is allowed.  In other words, you could count the same hike toward the Winter Badge and toward the Winter E2E badge (provided it qualified for the E2E features) or the regular E2E (Falls).


Winter badge
While supplies last...

New badge!

Niagara Winter e2e

E2E Winter Badge

Hike the entire Niagara section of the Bruce Trail during the winter season (December 21, 2021 - March 20, 2022).

Hike on your own or with the club. 

Note: Hikes can only count toward one badge.  If you complete an End-to-End once during the winter months, please specify whether you want the Winter End-to-End badge or the regular End-to-End (Falls) badge.



Side Trail Badge

Hike all of Niagara's Side trails to earn this badge.  You may hike them on your own or with the club.  For a full list of side trails and a suggested route go to our side trail page.  You will also find a log with a list of required photos to take while hiking these trails.  Niagara Side Trails


Niagara Side Trails

screaming tunnel badge



Just in time for Halloween!  (hiking must be completed between October 1st and November 30th)

The Screaming Tunnel badge is awarded to hikers who complete three hikes.

  1. At least 1.5hrs long, this self-led hike should go through the Screaming Tunnel (map 2, about 11.6km – access Warner Rd, Niagara Falls).  Halloween costume or hat must be worn.  Please include a photo with your log.
  2. A self led or NBTC led hike of at least 1.5hrs through other tunnels in the Niagara section which may include the Bert Lowe Trail Tunnel under the 406 highway.
  3. An NBTC led Cave Springs Witch Hunt.  Supernatural stories and legends will be presented on these hikes.  Check the hike schedule for dates.  Several hikes will be posted online.  Registration required.

The Night Hike Badge is awarded to walkers who complete 5 hikes under darkness (1.5 hrs or more) in the Niagara Peninsula.  Two of the hikes must be part of the NBTC monthly organized night hikes. 



Night Hikes



The Niagara Benchlands Badge introduces hikers to the historical significance and variety of activities near and around the Beamsville Bench area of Niagara, and is awarded to hikers who complete 3 specific hikes. 

Hike Info


We conserve and care for land within the Niagara Escarpment UNESCO World Biosphere to protect its ecosystems for the benefit of all and make it available to explore by foot along the magnificent Bruce Trail.  The biodiversity committee of the Niagara Bruce Trail  provides strategies to translate this goal into action.
Niagara Bruce Trail Club recognizes the role of volunteers in restoration of land along and adjacent to the trail and is happy to announce a Biodiversity Badge to recognize their contributions.
The volunteer must participate in 4 NBTC Biodiversity activities, logging at least 8 hours of service. Activities include pull parties, seed orchard care, bluebird box maintenance and any other biodiversity activity posted to the NBTC Hike Schedule.
Upon earning the service hours, the badge will be presented to the volunteer FREE of Charge.  You may pick up your badge by presenting your log (date, length of time and activity) to your activity hike leader.



Youth Hiking Badges

For youth 15 years of age and under. 

Choose your method of payment and send requests together with your hike log or write-up, $6 per badge(shipping & postage included)

FREE book when you earn BOTH Badges

Youth hikers awarded both badges will receive a copy of “Birthday Boots” FREE.




Badges are processed weekly once payment is received.  You may pay by e transfer (faster) or by mail. 


Send your hiking log and name of the badge to and payment to 

Please do not require a password for the transfer if your financial institution requests one.  Our financial institution will only accept auto deposit.  Please DO put "XX" badge in the message option of your e-transfer. Remember to include your full mailing address.


Niagara Bruce Trail Club
PO Box 23021
St Catharines RPO Carlton, ON
L2R 7P6

Please make all cheques made payable to "Niagara Bruce Trail Club"



The Young Trail Blazer Badge requires the completion of one hike (at least 3km in length) conducted on the Niagara Bruce Trail. Hikes can be completed with the club on an official scheduled hike or with family on their own.


To earn the Young Nature Blazers Badge you much complete a 90 minute hike on the Niagara Bruce Trail.  Submit a write-up describing how you used one or more of your five senses on the hike - what did you see, touch, taste, smell or hear during your hike.