
Volunteer Recognition Awards

Volunteer Award Recipients & Nomination Criteria

NBTC Lifetime Achievement Award

NBTC Volunteer of the Year Award 

NBTC Unsung Hero Award 

Since 1963 volunteers have been the driving force behind the Bruce Trail. Volunteers assume many different roles.  Some are responsible for contacting land owners, for marking the route, or for ongoing trail maintenance.  Others plan hikes in their communities, promote the trail at events, or simply help out  as needed in occasional activities. Today, more than 1,500 volunteers support the work of the Bruce Trail Conservancy, serving as caretakers of the Bruce Trail.

This is your chance to help secure the Bruce Trail, share your experiences and develop lasting friendships. Volunteering with the Niagara Bruce Trail Club (NBTC) allows you to choose from a variety of opportunities with various levels of commitment. From the boardroom to the Trail, volunteers typically commit between 4 to 16 hours a month to their positions.

We are looking for additional members for the Niagara Bruce Trail Club's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) standing committee. For 2025 the committee has identified goals for the year that revolve around overcoming barriers. Our approach will be to identify barriers to members participating in group hikes, identify barriers to non-members engaging with the club, and identify barriers to volunteers becoming hike leaders. We will engage with various groups to solicit their input on barriers, identify strategies to lower those barriers, and communicate our progress through the web site, Grapevine newsletter, and by participating at in-person events. DEIB Committee representatives will participate in person at events such as Bruce Trail Day, Balls Falls Thanksgiving Weekend, Volunteer Appreciation Event, etc. to engage with members, volunteers, and the public. The Committee would like to have additional members to help achieve these goals, and to give perspectives to guide the work of the committee. 

The committee will hold open meetings 3 times per year (March, July and November) that anyone may attend. The purpose of those meetings is to engage with interested volunteers, solicit feedback, and listen to new ideas. First open meeting will be the last Monday of March via Zoom in the early evening. 

We are also looking for two Special Event Hike Coordinators (exact dates TBD):
     - Laura Secord - usually June
     - Merritthon - usually November
For more details on the hikes themselves, click here.
For a description of what Event Coordinators do, click here.

If you wish to apply for these opportunities or to add yourself to our list for future opportunities, please contact Jessica Ranalli at nbtc4membership@gmail.com or click here to apply online.


A Brief Description of Some of the Volunteer Roles

Board Members - meet once a month (except July & August).  Act in the best interests of the club with a focus on promoting the values of the Bruce Trail Conservancy.

Trail Captains - Trail captains are assigned to a small section (approximately 2-5km) of the trail to clear for hikers to pass. You would be expected to trim branches and shrubs, re-paint blazes and report any large downed trees or any other trail concerns.  The Trail Captain must complete an Online Status Report for their section every spring and fall.

Trail Monitors - Trail monitors are assigned small sections of the trail.  They act as a second set of eyes on the trail.  They can do minor maintenance but report larger problems to the Trail Captain.

Landowner Ambassadors:  This new role is an important one for developing good relations with our ever important Landowners.  We are looking for personable, friendly volunteers who would connect with our landowners along the trail.  Your interaction with landowners include delivering tokens of appreciation and dealing with issues/concerns that may arise.

Hike Leaders - Show your joy of hiking by leading members and non-members around the Niagara Peninsula.  As a new hike leader you will be trained through Hike Ontario.  You may select the route, pace and terrain of your hikes.  We encourage leaders to take on at least a couple hikes per quarter.

Land Stewards -Each year the BTC spends from $1 to $2 million on land purchases, preserving hundreds of acres of Escarpment landscape and Bruce Trail corridor forever.  As a Land Steward you would be expected to walk (twice a year) and assess some of the most vulnerable landscapes to ensure that they are looked after.

Public Relations - From time to time we are invited to have a table at various events around the Niagara Peninsula.  If you would like to spend some time talking to others about the Bruce Trail Conservancy, Niagara Bruce Trail Club and all things Bruce this is the job for you. 

Trail Angel - We often receive requests to help out small groups of hikers who need a car shuttle. It involves meeting the hikers at the end point of their hike at a specific time, then driving them to the start of the hike. Trail Angels get to meet new hikers, be wonderful ambassadors for the Niagara Bruce Trail Club and feel good about helping someone.  In lieu of compensation, we suggest hikers make a donation to the Bruce Trail Conservancy.

Social - As a social volunteer, you can show off your cooking/baking skills.  You would be called on to help as a check-point volunteer for our event hikes, supplying food for hungry hikers.  You may also help out club social functions by providing food or helping in the kitchen.