2019 AGM Held on Sunday April 28, 2019, Rockway Community Centre.
The day started with two sunny hikes around the Rockway area of the Bruce Trail. The meeting was brought to order by Debbie Demizio, outgoing President. Debbie gave an overview of the strategic focus of the BTC and the club as well as many accomplishments over the past year. To read more you can read the online Director’s Reports here.
The board for the following year is:
President: Lisa Etienne
Vice President: vacant
Media/Public Relations: Margaret Northfield
Past President: Debbie Demizio
BTC Board Representative: Corrie Kellestine
Treasurer: Marinus Koole
Director at Large: Rhys Beak
Trail Development & Maintenance Director: Rick Waters
Hike Director: Vacant
Land Stewardship: Vince Zvonar
Landowner Relations: Koosje Stassen
Land Securement Secretariat: Craig Church
Newsletter Editor: Kathleen Orth
Membership/Volunteer Coordinator: George Prins
Social Convenor: Diane Marlatt
Archivist – Jean Stephenson-Lucente
Secretary: Janet Davey